Why does Gen Z have a thing for unusual drinks?

Why does Gen Z have a thing for unusual drinks?

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Gen Z is reshaping the beverage market – with a taste for unusual flavours that challenge the status quo. 

This is a generation already known for its adventurous palate. They’re likely to choose complex, bold flavours over the traditional options on the menu; and they’re interested in exploring the world of food flavours, trying international cuisine and favouring spicy and tangy tastes (think sriracha, kimchi, and miso). 

And this quest for novelty extends into their beverage choices, too. The Seattle-based entrepreneurs behind a new beverage brand called Mela are tapping into this taste, with watermelon beverages designed to appeal to Gen Z’s adventurous spirit. 

“Watermelon is a fruit loved by 83 percent of the population, but coconut water is only loved by 40 percent,” said Dom Purpura (CEO at Mela) in an interview with Food Dive.

So Mela is leaning into the untapped potential of watermelon, with drinks cans that are marketed with Gen Z-inspired artwork – standing out on the shelves amongst a sea of conventional canned beverages. 

Why is Gen Z choosing unusual beverage flavours? 

There are a whole range of factors at play here. 


  • They’re a health-conscious generation. They’re looking for drinks with naturally derived flavours that have functional health properties, and they’re more likely to choose non-alcoholic options than older generations.
  • Sustainability is a top priority for Gen Z. They’re all about ethical consumption – and that means they’re rejecting major beverage brands that don’t have a good track record for sustainability or social justice, and opting for lesser known brands with clear, transparent ethics and a low carbon footprint. Gen Z wants their purchasing choices to align with their values – and fledgling brands with novel flavours are often a good bet.
  • They’re making choices driven by a desire for new experiences. Gen Z is more likely to choose beverages that offer unique, exciting taste experiences; and this extends to social media, where they readily share images of beverages that are visually appealing or creatively packaged. 

Gen Z consumers do their research online 

The first digitally native generation, Gen Z knows how to use digital platforms and social media to research and discover new beverages. They’re influenced by social media marketing and influencer recommendations, and by branding and packaging that captures their visual attention. 

This means that brands offering innovative flavours have a competitive advantage: they capture Gen Z’s attention online, and then recapture it in store. Gen Z consumers demonstrate a significant preference for online resources that enable them to explore options and make informed choices; and brand marketers are tapping into this by exposing them to exciting drinks ingredients in digital spaces. 

From digital engagement to a taste for adventure 

It’s an interesting paradox: a desire for adventure, coupled with a preference for thorough product research online before they buy. 

Beverage brands that respond to these two key elements of the Gen Z purchasing choice process are gaining traction – and creating a vibrant market for delicious, unusual tastes. 

What’s your favourite unique beverage flavour this year? 

If you’ve tried an unusual beverage flavour this year, we want to know about it. Did you love it or hate it? Have you been converted to innovative, adventurous drinks? 

Mark your calendars for our next newsletter on 27 September 2024. Is there anything specific you'd like to see covered? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to share your suggestions.

Until next week.

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